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Showing posts from October, 2020

Self - Love : Come Fall In Love With Yourself

What is Self-Love? Many people mistakenly believe that self-love is the s ame as selfishness,  or having a b ig ego. It’s not.   So, what do we mean when we say “self-love”? Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness.  Self-love is not simply a state of feeling good.  Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.  Loving yourself doesn’t mean you think you’re the smartest, most talented, and most beautiful person in the world. Instead, when you love yourself you accept your so-called weaknesses, appreciate these so-called shortcomings as something that makes you who you are. When you love yourself you have compassion for yourself. You take care of yourself like you’d take care of a friend who is in stress. You treat yourself kindly. You don’t criticize yourself. Self-love is a practice and it’s a skill that takes work. Self-love is something that

Self - Love : Come Fall In Love With Yourself

What is Self-Love? Many people mistakenly believe that self-love is the s ame as selfishness,  or having a b ig ego. It’s not.   So, what do we mean when we say “self-love”? Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness.  Self-love is not simply a state of feeling good.  Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.  Loving yourself doesn’t mean you think you’re the smartest, most talented, and most beautiful person in the world. Instead, when you love yourself you accept your so-called weaknesses, appreciate these so-called shortcomings as something that makes you who you are. When you love yourself you have compassion for yourself. You take care of yourself like you’d take care of a friend who is in stress. You treat yourself kindly. You don’t criticize yourself. Self-love is a practice and it’s a skill that takes work. Self-love is something that

Connect Yourself With Nature

Feel The Nature   Sit under a tree without anything to do, feel the winds, the fragrance of flowers, the light of the sun hit your skin. Realize everything happens for you only, only to make you feel good. Sit in the sun without anything to do, feel the heat of the rays hit your skin, realize that this sunlight has traveled a very long way to reach you. Walk around barefoot and try to feel as much as you can, the ground under your feet, notice every rock and blade of grass. Drive around aimlessly and play your favorite song, enjoy the drive. As they change the air in your throat and around you, feel that the music is healing you from inside out. Now you are going to understand the meaning of the song's lyrics. Look up at the stars and the moon, understand how small we are and how immense the universe is, realize what a miracle everything is, let your heart swell with amazement and admiration for life itself. Walk with your eyes and ears open. Hear and listen the nature, the music h

Forgive Yourself And Move On

  All of us make mistakes at times. We all make mistakes. Oftentimes, through our actions, somebody gets hurt. As humans, we’re imperfect. It’s helpful to remember that mistakes, failures, and even incredibly stupid acts are part of being human. It’s how we learn and grow. If you’re never embarrassed or wrong and if you never make a mistake, you’re probably staying within a pretty narrow comfort zone. The trick is to learn and move on from our mistakes. As painful and uncomfortable as it may feel, there are things in life that are worth enduring the pain for in order to move forward, and forgiving yourself is one of them. We hear a lot about the importance of forgiving those who have harmed us, but what about forgiving ourselves? Is that important as well? I believe that it is. Many of us know that forgiveness is a good thing, right? It frees us from bitterness and anger, these two emotions that not only don’t feel good but can also disrupt our physical health and mental health as well

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Connect Yourself With Nature

Feel The Nature   Sit under a tree without anything to do, feel the winds, the fragrance of flowers, the light of the sun hit your skin. Realize everything happens for you only, only to make you feel good. Sit in the sun without anything to do, feel the heat of the rays hit your skin, realize that this sunlight has traveled a very long way to reach you. Walk around barefoot and try to feel as much as you can, the ground under your feet, notice every rock and blade of grass. Drive around aimlessly and play your favorite song, enjoy the drive. As they change the air in your throat and around you, feel that the music is healing you from inside out. Now you are going to understand the meaning of the song's lyrics. Look up at the stars and the moon, understand how small we are and how immense the universe is, realize what a miracle everything is, let your heart swell with amazement and admiration for life itself. Walk with your eyes and ears open. Hear and listen the nature, the music h

Forgive Yourself And Move On

  All of us make mistakes at times. We all make mistakes. Oftentimes, through our actions, somebody gets hurt. As humans, we’re imperfect. It’s helpful to remember that mistakes, failures, and even incredibly stupid acts are part of being human. It’s how we learn and grow. If you’re never embarrassed or wrong and if you never make a mistake, you’re probably staying within a pretty narrow comfort zone. The trick is to learn and move on from our mistakes. As painful and uncomfortable as it may feel, there are things in life that are worth enduring the pain for in order to move forward, and forgiving yourself is one of them. We hear a lot about the importance of forgiving those who have harmed us, but what about forgiving ourselves? Is that important as well? I believe that it is. Many of us know that forgiveness is a good thing, right? It frees us from bitterness and anger, these two emotions that not only don’t feel good but can also disrupt our physical health and mental health as well

Top 10 Highly Paid Skills To Learn In Lockdown

As everything has its pros and cons this corona virus pandemic period as well. We all know very well the bad side of this pandemic like we can't go outdoor, the life of our loved ones is in danger, we may lose our jobs. This period carries a lot of uncertainties. We don't know what tomorrow will bring for us. There is negativity all around us. But we are only seeing the bad side of this time.  We have two options either we can just sit, overthink, blame the situation and waste our time in watching movies, playing online games or you can use your precious time by doing something which will pay you when this tough time get's over. You have to understand that right now your time is your biggest asset. Use this time to learn new skills which will help you to get a new job. This is the time for you to be different from the rest of others who are just wasting there time.    Here are some skills which you should learn 1.  Data Science  Being a Data Scientist is the most trending c