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Self - Love : Come Fall In Love With Yourself

What is Self-Love? Many people mistakenly believe that self-love is the s ame as selfishness,  or having a b ig ego. It’s not.   So, what do we mean when we say “self-love”? Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness.  Self-love is not simply a state of feeling good.  Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.  Loving yourself doesn’t mean you think you’re the smartest, most talented, and most beautiful person in the world. Instead, when you love yourself you accept your so-called weaknesses, appreciate these so-called shortcomings as something that makes you who you are. When you love yourself you have compassion for yourself. You take care of yourself like you’d take care of a friend who is in stress. You treat yourself kindly. You don’t criticize yourself. Self-love is a practice and it’s a skill that takes work. Sel...

5 Life Lessons That COVID-19 Pandemic Taught Me

In the past three months, we all have seen life has changed drastically around the world, taken 360-degree turn due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Everything has changed. Nothing is the same anymore, our work culture, going out in public places, meeting friends, function celebration, festival celebration, etc. We all are feeling hectic because of this pandemic, the restrictions which it put on us. People everywhere are being asked to stay home in order to reduce the risk of infection. The virus has brought with it a wave of negative outcomes, terrible illness, and death.  In my opinion, a virus that has continuously been cursed all over the globe has actually done a favor to humankind. It has reminded us to live our life. It also highlighted some important life lessons. We cannot deny the fact that even without our knowledge, we were living an automated life. We all became too dependent on machine living.  We could finish every work within no time, but we forgot to appreciate the little things which we have. There are so many things for which we should feel grateful. This pandemic gives us so much time to think about which things are really important, for which we should be grateful.

This COVID-19 Pandemic taught me somethings that I would love to share with you all. 

1. Health Is Wealth

"Health is wealth" is a common proverb which reveals a very simple meaning by comparing the value of health with wealth.  It is said in this proverb that the health of a man is as much important as the wealth to live a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous life. Everyone knows that nothing is important in life than good health.No one can be happy and peaceful without good health. A healthy person can perform any task however; a wealthy person who is suffering from untreatable disease can never buy good health. A healthy person (whether rich or poor) lives more happy and peaceful life than any rich person having a diseased body.
It is only our good health which stays with us in any bad or good circumstances. Nobody in this world can help us in bad times. So, if our health is good, we can bear any bad circumstances in our life. If one is not healthy, he/she would definitely suffer health-related or other difficulties in life instead of enjoying life. In order to maintain good health, we need to eat balanced food, daily mild exercises, fresh air, clean water, maintain good posture, enough sleep and rest, maintain cleanliness, regular medical check-ups, etc.

2. Jobs Are Temporary, Value Your Family First

We often sacrifice anything for our job. We put our job in the first position in our priority list.  But the ultimate reality of today's job market is they'll get rid of you as soon as they don't need you anymore. In today’s world, everyone is a temporary worker. Even if you’re an executive at a well-established company, your job could be temporary. No doubt for building a career, to becoming someone who can confidently stand in society, working is important.
 But in that race, we forgot or don't give that much attention to the things which are equally important or more than important. Like our health, friends, relation with others, and most importantly our family. Family is where you celebrate our achievements and commiserate in our failures.  It’s the place where we can share successes, support each other when floundering, and cling to in times of deep sadness.  Family can provide the emotional fuel to keep going when the going gets tough. We have to understand even in this tough time our family is the one who stays with us not our jobs.

3. Save For Your Future

We never know what the future will bring for us, like this pandemic situation, we never thought about it but it happens. So it's better to be already prepared for any such kind of circumstances. And to be prepared for this I am saying it in the financial context. Being financially stable or capable to deal with such situations. It is much easier and more enjoyable to take the income, the money we have earned and worked hard to receive, and spend all of it every month—purchasing whatever we want and not thinking about the future. The problem, when it comes to money, is that we just aren't planning and putting away enough.
Saving money is not easy, but it is essential to achieving financial well-being and securing your future. One of the best and easiest ways to save money and start a strong retirement income planning program is to pay yourself first. Every time you receive a paycheck, save a certain percentage of your income before spending money on anything else. You may choose to have your bank automatically transfer a certain amount of money from your account to your savings each month. This way, the money never hits your pocket, so you don't miss it.

4. Change Is The Only Constant In Life

Nothing ever stays the same. Just like seasons, life and people changes too. Change is the only constant thing in this world. Don't resist them- that only creates sorrow. To move forward, you have to leave the past behind. Change is a Process, change comes to all of us-whether we prepare for it or not. Our lives are in a constant state of transition. Life is always moving forward; nothing ever remains the same. Everything in this world is liable to change and it is the law of life. If you don't change your life; your life will change you. Accept the fact that things will not always be the way you want them to be. There will always be things beyond your control. We all face changes every day – whether it is a simple change in the weather, our schedule, or the expected change of seasons.
The change affects us all and we each deal with change differently. This only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen is the Change.

5. There's A Positive Side To Everything

One important thing to keep in mind while we go through our journey of life is the fact that there is a positive side to every situation. Even when you feel at your lowest and it seems like nothing is going right, believe it or not, there is still something good taking place. Everything has a bright side and never forget that.
In order to see this, you must be able to look at the situation from outside of the box. Often times one of the best things that come from harsh circumstances is the life experiences and lessons we gain from them. As well, the things we endure make us stronger and even more ready to tackle the next challenge. Focus on the positive and live life to the fullest.
There is an old saying 'there is good in every evil' and it really applies to our current situation. We all are feeling hopeless, lots of uncertainty about the future. But believe me, you are not alone, and it will be better!


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